On the Relationship Between Developer Experience and Refactoring: An Exploratory Study and Preliminary Results

Refactoring is one of the means of managing technical debt and maintaining a healthy software structure through enforcing best design practices, or coping with design defects. Previous refactoring surveys have shown that these code restructurings are …

Recommending peer reviewers in modern code review: a multi-objective search-based approach

Modern code review is a common practice used by software developers to ensure high software quality in open source and industrial projects. During code review, developers submit their code changes which should be reviewed, via tool-based code review …

tsDetect: an open source test smells detection tool

Web Service API Anti-patterns Detection as a Multi-label Learning Problem

Can refactoring be self-affirmed? an exploratory study on how developers document their refactoring activities in commit messages

Refactoring is a critical task in software maintenance and is usually performed to enforce best design practices, or to cope with design defects. Previous studies heavily rely on defining a set of keywords to identify refactoring commits from a list …

A Multi-label Active Learning Approach for Mobile App User Review Classification

Comparison of block-based and hybrid-based environments in transferring programming skills to text-based environments

Contextualizing rename decisions using refactorings and commit messages

Learning to rank faulty source files for dependent bug reports

MigrationMiner: An Automated Detection Tool of Third-Party Java Library Migration at the Method Level